GPSMAP 67/67i software version 8.50

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GPSMAP 67/67i software version 8.50 Empty GPSMAP 67/67i software version 8.50

Message par Monique Ven 17 Mar 2023 - 10:35

GPSMAP 67/67i software version ICI (sur GPSrChive, cliquer sur "Firmware") ou LÀ (sur les forums Garmin US)


version 8.50 (20/05/2024)
Fixed potential issue with pause events in FIT activity files.
Fixed potential issue displaying Satellite Imagery toggle.

version 8.30 (15/04/2024)
Added the Applied Ballistics app (Unlock in the AB Synapse - Garmin mobile app).
Improved features related to Outdoor Maps+.
Improved GPS Performance.

version 7.60 (02/02/2024)
Added available file system space to map manager.
Improved features related to Outdoor Maps+.
Fixed potential issue with MOB hotkey.

version 6.60 (19/09/2023)
Added the ability to edit existing map downloads through Outdoor Maps+.
Fixed potential issues with expedition mode.
Fixed inability to remove CIQ content through Garmin Express.

version 5.90 (04/08/2023)
Fixed issues with RINEX data logging
Fixed possible issues with line widths on the map
Fixed possible issues with spell search in Outdoor Maps+

version 5.30 (24/05/2023)
Added ability to edit previously downloaded Outdoor Maps+ bundles.
Added a Bulgarian keyboard.
Fixed an issue where Livetrack data would not display in emailed link.
Fixed several issues related to Outdoor Maps+.
Fixed a possible display issue with geocache names.
Fixed an issue where different satellites could display with the same number on the satellites page.

version 4.80 (11/04/2023)
Added flashlight shortcut to the status page
Fix issue where distance to destination was not reporting correctly at slow speeds
Fix issue where GPS accuracy was not reporting correctly

version 4.70 (27/03/2023)
Fixed issue with selecting position format in some languages.
Fixed potential “Can’t Authenticate Maps” prompt.
Fixed potential issue getting stuck or crashing while loading maps.

version 4.40 (14/03/2023)
Initial release

Dernière édition par Monique le Mer 19 Juin 2024 - 10:49, édité 17 fois

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GPSMAP 67/67i software version 8.50 Empty Re: GPSMAP 67/67i software version 8.50

Message par Monique Mer 19 Juin 2024 - 10:50

version 8.50 disponible

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