MapInstall pour Windows version 3.15.0

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MapInstall pour Windows version 3.15.0 Empty MapInstall pour Windows version 3.15.0

Message par Monique Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 0:31


MapInstall software version 3.15.0 (Windows) : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]


* WARNING: This software will not work unless you already own a MapSource product.
* This software requires Windows XP SP3 or greater and Windows Media Player 11 or greater (a free download from Microsoft).

Changes made from version 3.14.4 to 3.15.0:

* Improved MapInstall software update procedure.
* Fixed an issue with MapInstall not correctly detecting another instance of itself.
* Fixed an issue when MapInstall encountered bad files in some map installations.
* Fixed an issue with writing map images to Garmin mode USB devices.
* Added support for new Garmin devices.

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