Nombre maximum de segments de carte

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Nombre maximum de segments de carte Empty Nombre maximum de segments de carte

Message par Jamas Dim 14 Oct 2012 - 14:50

Désolé, c'est en anglais mais j'ai compilé ce post it à partir des FAQ's de Garmin UK.
Ce fil rappelle le nombre maximum de segments de carte (tuiles, ou dalles) qu'on peut mettre dans un fichier
On y apprend qu'il n'y a pas de limitation de nombre de dalles pour les Nuvi!

[edit] Voir ci dessous la définition d'un segment de carte:  en gros, c'est le plus petit élément de carte qui peut être transféré dans le GPS et qui "rosit" sous Mapsource lors de sa sélection

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How many map segments can I load to my nuvi?

When using MapInstall or MapSource to send mapping to a device, each map item selected is called a map segment or a map set.
You can select multiple map segments and send them all at once to a device or a memory card.

Although other devices have a limit to the number of total map segments they can read, the nuvi line does not.
When sending maps to a nuvi, you are only limited by the following:

- Total available memory on the nuvi, if sending directly to the device
- Total available memory on the SD card, if sending directly to a memory card
- MapSource and MapInstall limitations

Currently, MapSource and MapInstall will only allow you to send a maximum of 4GB of map data at a time.
This means that although there is no limit to the number of map segments a nuvi can receive or read,  you may still only send up to 4GB of data at any one time.

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my Colorado?

All Colorado devices have an expandable memory slot, into which an SD* card can be inserted. This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.
It is recommended a standard speed card, no larger than 32 GB, be used in order to get the best performance from the device. Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed.
The mapping segment limitations are as follows:

- Colorado 300 : 4000
- Colorado 400t: 3571
- Colorado 400c: 3576
- Colorado 400i: 3747

The Colorado will pick and choose which map segments to show when the map segment limit is surpassed. It is suggested to transfer additional mapping segments to another microSD card.

*While any brand of SD card should work, Garmin has only tested more common brands such as SanDisk and Kingston.

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my eTrex 20 or 30?

The eTrex 20 and 30 have an expandable memory slot into which a microSD* card can be inserted.
This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.

It is recommended a standard speed card, no larger than 32 GB, be used in order to get the best performance from the device. Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed.

While considering memory limitations, another limitation is the number of individual mapping segments.
Roughly 3,000 mapping segments can be transferred to the eTrex 20 or 30.

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my Oregon?

All Oregon devices have an expandable memory slot, into which a microSD* card can be inserted.
This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.
It is recommended a standard speed card, no larger than 32 GB, be used in order to get the best performance from the device. Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed.

The mapping segment limitations are as follows:

- Oregon 200 : 4000
- Oregon 300 : 4000
- Oregon 400t: 3571
- Oregon 400c: 3546
- Oregon 400i: 3747
- Oregon 450 : 4000
- Oregon 450t: 3571
- Oregon 550 : 4000
- Oregon 550t: 3571

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my Edge 605, 705, or 800?

The Edge 605, 705, and 800 have an expandable memory slot into which a microSD* card can be inserted.
This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.
It is recommended a standard speed card, no larger than 32 GB, be used in order to get the best performance from the device. Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed.

Roughly 3,000 mapping segments can be transferred to the Edge 800 and roughly 2000 mapping segments to the Edge 605 and 705.

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with Montana 600, 650, or 650t?

Montana 600, 650, and 650t have an expandable memory slot into which a microSD* card can be inserted. This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.
It is recommended a standard speed card, no larger than 32 GB, be used in order to get the best performance from the device. Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed.
While considering memory limitations, note these devices' mapping segment limits:

- Montana 600, 650 (approximately 4000)
- Montana 600t, 650t (approximately 3500 - due to preloaded mapping)

What is the largest microSD card supported by
- GPSMAP  60CSx, 60Cx, 76CSx, 76Cx
- eTrex Vista HCx, Vista Cx, Legend HCx, Legend Cx, Venture Cx
- Astro 220
- Rino 520HCx, 530HCx

There are limitations to the size of microSD card used and to the number of detailed mapping segments that can be recognized by a device.
If at the most recent device software version, these limitations are:

It is recommended the maximum size for the microSD card should be 4 gigabytes (GB). Each expandable memory device will be able to recognize up to 2,025 detailed mapping segments
If 2,025 detailed mapping segments are loaded to a microSD card, but the file does not reach 4GB worth of data, the device will not show any more detailed mapping than what is provided by the mapping segments.

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my Dakota 20?

The Dakota 20 has an expandable memory slot, which can house a microSD card (1).
This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap.When looking to purchase a memory card:

- Be mindful of the microSD card limit (64 MB - 32 GB)
- Locate a standard speed card (Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed)
- Consider other device limitations (2)

(1) While any brand of microSD card should work, Garmin has only tested more common brands such as SanDisk and Kingston.
(2) These limitations may prevent full utilization of a 32 GB card. Consider purchasing a 4 GB card to maximize use of the card.  

- Mapping segments, sometimes referred to as map tiles, have an approximate limit of 4000
- BirdsEye Satellite Imagery has a limitation of 250 files
- Custom Maps has a limitation of 100 embedded JPG images

What is the largest size microSD card I can use with my GPSMAP 62 or 78 series device?

The GPSMAP 62 (1) and 78 series devices have an expandable memory slot, which can house a microSD card (2).
This card provides the ability to install detailed mapping to enhance the device's internal basemap. When looking to purchase a memory card:

- Be mindful of the microSD card limit (64 MB - 32 GB)
- Locate a standard speed card (Class 4 to Class 10 is considered standard speed)
- Consider other device limitations (3):
- Mapping segments, sometimes referred to as map tiles, have an approximate limit of 3,000 (4)
- BirdsEye Satellite Imagery has a limitation of 250 files
- Custom Maps has a limitation of 100 embedded JPG images

(1) The GPSMAP 62 does not have a microSD card slot.
(2) While any brand of microSD card should work, Garmin has only tested more common brands such as SanDisk and Kingston.
(3) These limitations may prevent full utilization of a 32 GB card. Consider purchasing a 4 GB card to maximize use of the card.
(4) This series will pick and choose which map segments to show when the map segment limit is surpassed. Transfer additional mapping segments to another microSD card to prevent this.

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Nombre maximum de segments de carte Empty Re: Nombre maximum de segments de carte

Message par Monique Lun 17 Mai 2021 - 14:09

... suite concernant le nombre maxi de segments de cartes :
- sur la série GPSMAP 64 : environ 3 000 segments cartographiques
- sur la série Oregon 700 : 15 000 segments cartographiques (et 500 segments de cartes personnalisées)

PS : J'ai une limitation de 400 segments de carte par fichier de carte sur mes modèles routiers actuels et passés depuis la gamme 2016 (DriveLuxe 50, DriveLuxe 51, DriveSmart 51SE, DriveSmart 55) mais, je confirme ce qui est écrit dans le message précédent, pas de limitation de segments de carte sur mes Nuvi.

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Nombre maximum de segments de carte Empty Re: Nombre maximum de segments de carte

Message par Monique Dim 27 Fév 2022 - 11:10

... suite :

- sur les Montana 680 : 4 000 segments de carte
- sur la série des Montana 7x0 : 15 000 segments de carte*

- sur la série des GPSMAP 65 : 3 000 segments de carte*
- sur la série des GPSMAP 66 : 15 000 segments de carte*
- sur le GPSMAP 276Cx : 15 000 segments de carte*

- sur les eTrex 20/30/22x/32x : 3 000 segments de carte*
- sur les eTrex Touch 25/35 : 4 000 segments de carte*

- sur les Edge 605/705 : environ 2 000 segments de carte
- sur les Edge 800/810/Touring/Touring Plus : environ 3 000 segments de carte
- sur les Edge 1000/Edge Explore 1000/Edge 1030 : 5 250 segments de carte (dont 2300 segments dans les cartes préprogrammées)*

Note :  les appareils portables pris en charge peuvent accepter jusqu'à 250 fichiers BirdsEye distincts tant qu'il y a de la mémoire disponible

* la TopoActive Europe 2021.10 contient 1 507 segments de carte

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Nombre maximum de segments de carte Empty Re: Nombre maximum de segments de carte

Message par goti73 Sam 27 Jan 2024 - 10:52

Pour  info
Nombre de segments dans les cartes suivantes :
Cartes Garmin
Topoactive Europe  2023 -10  + DEM Europe : 784
Topo V6 France entière : 538
Topo V6 France sud est : 168

Cartes OSM
Freizeitkarte France : 683
Maprando France : 717
OSM de base France : ~ 200


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