GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021

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GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021 Empty GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021

Message par Monique Sam 28 Sep 2019 - 9:17

GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version : ICI

Pour le 64sx, voir [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]


Changes made from version 2.60 to 3.10 (18/11/2021):
Added support for syncing courses with Garmin Explore
Improved navigation sync experience with Garmin Explore
Fixed an issue where GMU maps might not be visible when zoomed out
Fixed possible issue that could prevent tones from working
Fixed possible freeze when entering geocache next stage coordinates
Fixed possible issues when changing profiles while on the trip computer page
Fixed possible issue with inaccurate track distance with no GPX fix
Fixed possible issue displaying TOPO Great Britain maps

Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.60 (14/01/2021):
Fixed an issue with Explore Sync of route navigation
Fixed an issue drawing certain areas on the map
Fixed an issue where the last point of a track would not be connected on the map

Changes made from version 2.10 to 2.20 (30/07/2019):
Fixed issue with GB Discoverer.

Changes made from version 2.00 to 2.10:
Added support for G3 Marine Cartography.

Changes made from version 2.00 to 2.00:
Initial release software

Dernière édition par Monique le Ven 19 Nov 2021 - 10:22, édité 2 fois

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GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021 Empty Re: GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021

Message par Monique Ven 15 Jan 2021 - 13:32

version 2.60 disponible

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GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021 Empty Re: GPSMAP 64csx (WebUpdater) software version 3.10 du 18/11/2021

Message par Monique Ven 19 Nov 2021 - 10:22

version 3.10 disponible

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